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Vice President K.N.A

| feel very proud to be a Vice President of the Sir Arthur Cotton Nursery FArmer’s Association, Kadiyam.

lam always ready giving my best service to the kadiyam nursery farmers. Now India’s climate is changing as part of a global trend, with potentially substantial implications for agriculture, Horticulture and natural resources management. Even before we can think of reversing things, the immediate and urgent challenge is to halt the process of climate change through multi-pronged strategies. This requires awareness and commitment at all levels, from individuals and communities to business enterprises and governments. In this view our kadiyam nursery farmers always are in the first row to halt climate change.

OUr kadiyam nurseries are hub for nurseries in India, and Government of Andhra Pradesh has been identified horticulture sector as one of the growth engines under primary sector. Our kadiyam nurseries are part of horticulture but our farmers were no getting write support from the government. My humble request to Andhra Pradesh Government please extent your grace to protect the kadiyam nurseries from all clutches.

With friendly greetings

Kothapalli Naga Sivaji
Vice President K.N.A.